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clonzilla not taking my ubermix netbook as an image


Hello i have 400 student laptops that i have to clone and make ready but could not take my ubermix netbook image with clonzilla . clonzilla fails on sda2. i thought it could be my ubermix image and tried a default ubermix install and it also fails on sda2. help please.

I haven't used clonezilla in quite a while but will look at it when I get a chance. Why not just customize a bunch of usb keys? It's significantly faster - could knock out all 400 machines in a few hours. You would just need to make one master key and copy according to the instructions here:

I haven't used Clonzilla, but I will say that with 30 USB keys we imaged 200 netbooks in a few hours so it can go really fast. In fact the slow step was recording the serial numbers on the new machines.

Found a way to use clonzilla. rather than uploading the image through ssh to the clonzilla server i used drbl push to get the image from the laptops with the option of the server doing "auto clean check and repair".
thnks for all ur help so much


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