Technical > Hardware Specific

Asus 1215B - AMD suspend issues

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I am trying to get the Asus 1215B going with Ubermix 1.0. I am also having suspend/resume issues.
Did you make any progress?

I still haven't tried using the AMD proprietary drivers. From a forum post in Ubuntuforums, I changed one option in the BIOS: C6 mode is OFF. It seems to help: suspend/resume works, but then when you shut down, you need to take the battery out to get it to start again!

Worth asking before I go on a long Google hunt...

I have an old 1015B in the office, which is essentially the same motherboard. I'll give it a shot on Tuesday when I get back. In the mean time, the proprietary driver should work fine with that model, including suspend/resume. The battery remove to boot problem is the sort of thing you see when the video card is flaky or the thing tries to go into C6 mode.

Make sure you have the latest BIOS installed, which you can do using a USB key running FreeDOS. Use unetbootin to create the FreeDOS key :-)

I asked Acer for a demo 722 unit. Hopefully I'll have it soon so that I can poke around at this problem. Seems the Fusion-based systems are a bit twitchy.

I'll check the BIOS version and get a FreeDOS usb stick ready.

Thanks a lot for your help! Looking forward to trying out the new version next Tuesday.

We have shown the Asus 1215B running Ubermix 1.0 to a few students and teachers, and the feedback has been very positive. As it looks now, unless I can't get suspend/resume working, we will very likely go with Ubermix!

I just tried installing the AMD drivers using the download from the Wiki, and it gave an error: it can't build for kernel 3.2.0-22-generic.
The fglrx driver is now activated anyway, but I think it's an older version. Suspend is still causing troubles, though.

Are all of your machines 1215Bs? How many do you have?


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