General > How-to

Changing the Desktop Wallpaper



Another question: how to change the wallpaper in the Ubermix 1.0 version?

Can students change it on their own? I couldn't find where. I'm just used to right-clicking the desktop in Ubuntu...

Neeeeeever mind. I feel stupid now.

In "System Settings", "Appearance", which is exactly what I get when I right-click on the desktop in standard Ubuntu.

 Glad you found it. You can also set the desktop to any picture you have on your system by double-clicking to open it and choosing "Set as Desktop Background" from the "File" menu in the image viewer.

FYI, there is a bug in beta2 that prevents images in paths with spaces in the from working. This has been fixed in rc1, which I expect to post on Tuesday  :)


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