Author Topic: Incorporating options in /etc/default/grub  (Read 1860 times)


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Incorporating options in /etc/default/grub
« on: July 16, 2014, 01:16:02 PM »
Running into an option on a group of systems that erroneously report a second display as connected (LVDS-1)

Was able to fix it in /etc/default/grub with


to disable this monitor.

ran update-grub, which then brought us to the "missing aufs" issue.  Tried the solution mentioned in the forum, and the above changes are gone.

Is there a better way to do this, ideally via the script?  I had initially tried using lshw information, but it was a bit problematic to identify the hardware and lshw is too slow.  xrandr --ouput LVDS1 --off works, but will break all the netbooks and any laptop running ubermix, so we have to be able to identify the hardware.


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Re: Incorporating options in /etc/default/grub
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2014, 09:43:27 PM »
In our case, I created different Ubermix images that connected to different folders in our web server. So each hardware model had its own specific Faster, cleaner, and more reliable than using hardware detection in Bash scripts.

However, if you need to detect models, the fastest solution that I found and used for a while was the command dmidecode.
It reads BIOS information, so it's pretty much instant.

For example, try:
sudo dmidecode -t 1
or combined with grep
sudo dmidecode -t 1 | grep "Product"

Read here for more types of information that you can retrieve.