Author Topic: Slashdotter here  (Read 2413 times)


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Slashdotter here
« on: March 14, 2013, 10:16:01 PM »
So I found out about this distro today through slashdot.  I am very impressed with what I have seen so far.  I installed it on my laptop this evening (btw, fastest OS install I have ever done).  Now I am not an educator, nor do I work in a school, nor do I even have a child in school.  I do however have more than a passing interest in technology and education more generally and the quality of our public education system (as is perhaps indicated in this article I wrote).  I am, after all, a product of the public education system.

I wanted to know if it would be helpful at all to try to convince my local school district to consider deploying some Ubermix machines.  Like most school districts, they have been hit pretty hard by budget shortages.  They have cut extracurriculars and electives.

I also was wondering if there was work underway making an ubermix based off of 12.10 or if the Ubermix team is just planning on using LFS releases.  I can definitely see the advantage of the latter in an education environment.

And finally, my own humble suggestions for a future release.  These are just personal observations, but I am throwing them out there just in case someone finds them worth while.  I think it would be pretty cool the have something like calibre installed.  I realize there is a space issue, but it would be great for Ubermix to have ebook reading capabilities right out of the box.  Though if installing this application bumps the size over two GB, I can see how it might not be worth it.  2 gig thumb drives are really cheap these days, so fitting inside two gigs is a pretty cool feature.

In addition to being an ebooks junkie, I am also an Emacs enthusiast.  Now I am not going to try to convince you to install emacs by default.  Even I admit that most users will not need it.  But zile is very emacs-like and even smaller than nano (< .5 Megs).  It would be nice to have for the odd sysadmin who is used to emacs.


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Re: Slashdotter here
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2013, 11:56:03 AM »
Absolutely think it would be a great idea to suggest to your local school. Lots of opportunities for them to increase access to technology for their students without increasing costs.

Probably not going to build against the intermediary releases until Canonical stabilizes their plans going forward. There is a lot of confusion right now as to whether they are going to stick with intermediary or do rolling releases. We are generally keeping up with Quantal (or surpassing it, as is the case with LibreOffice and the GIMP) with ubermix, so there should be no worries there. As soon as things stabilize with Canonical, we'll re-assess.

Calibre is a great idea, definitely something we'll consider for the next release. I recall looking at it some time ago and, as I recall, it was a bit bulky and the interface was somewhat clunky, but I'll definitely have another look. Trying to keep the installed size to a minimum, which is also why emacs isn't there by default (although certainly installable on your own customized version)