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How to install using a live CD


Is it possible to run a live CD of Ubermix and then use that CD (or DVD) to install the system to an older laptop? Please treat me nicely, as I'm a newbie.

Juan Pucheu:
Sorry graham, no live cd.
But if you install Virtual Box, download the OVA file and play a little with the ubermix to try it.

One solution I found to this problem, is to make a CD with the PLoP Boot Manager, which can then boot from a USB drive, even if the BIOS doesn't allow USB booting.

That's a solution for installing it, but if the goal is to test Ubermix on the hardware before installing it, I'm afraid there is no option for that.
As JPucheu said, to get an idea if you like Ubermix, use the virtual image.
To test hardware compatibility, I suggest using Ubuntu 12.04.3, which uses the same kernel as Ubermix 1.31 (or pretty close).


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